An Candid chat with Alex Ioskevich- Revolutionizing Aerospace: Quantum Propulsion Unveiled by Leading Experts

Admin, The UK Times
29 Mar 2024 • 12:28 pm
An Candid chat with Alex Ioskevich- Revolutionizing Aerospace: Quantum Propulsion Unveiled by Leading Experts

Dissecting Innovation

The UK Times: Can you describe the key components and technologies involved in creating advanced aerospace propulsion systems and spacecraft as part of your mission?

Alex replied, “We are developing Quantum Propulsion Systems (or QPS) and aerospace vehicles that will be capable of flying with enormous speed – potentially reaching speed of light – and will have unseen before manoeuvrability and lifting capacity. They also will provide 100% crew protection from deadly sun and space radiation that is absolutely essential for safe deep space travel and manned space exploration. I have to say that QPS are the only systems that are capable of facilitating realistic prospects of space mining on the industrial scale and deep space colonisation, including colonisation of habitable planets in the future. To date we have managed to crack the main secret of practical quantum engine design and we are ready to develop it further into fully operational aerospace vehicles. Cost efficiency of this new technology is going to be absolutely enormous.

Development and production costs of quantum aerospace vehicles compering to production costs of chemical fuel jet spacecraft allows to reduce price per kilo space launch ratio hundreds of times, making deep space exploration and commercialisation more accessible and practically feasible at last. Manufacturing and maintenance of quantum propelled spacecraft will be no more expensive than manufacturing of jet planes or helicopters of the same size.

For example: one single launch of combination of NASA Orion spaceship with SLS rocket booster for flight around the Moon costs about $4 billion. Combined development costs of Orion + SLS are about $41 billion. Overall development and costs of the QPS equipped aerospace vehicles of various types, including four-seaters that will be perform the same tasks as Orion spaceship will be about $5 billion. Building costs of one single QPS four-seaters that will be able to perform much more ambitious tasks than Orion spaceship will be around $50-60 million. The most interesting point is that unlike Orion+SLS, QPS vehicles are fully reusable spacecraft that will be able to perform hundreds of space flights before any major refurbishment. Please note that unlike any conventional spacecraft QPS vehicles will be able to fly to the age of our solar system and back within hours and will not require any chemical of nuclear fuel.

Their main generators are powered by Ferro-magnets that will need to be replaced or recharged once in 3-5 years.

Orion + SLS spacecraft combination and QPS spacecraft costs and payload volume comparison in USD billions (Moon exploration mission configuration)

It’s obvious that QPS are going to replace outdated chemical fuel rockets and jet engines in the near future and will become the mainstay of air travel and space exploration. These propulsion systems will lead to technological revolution comparable to revolution that was triggered by invention of steam engine and aeroplane.

Quantum spacecraft and operation of their propulsion systems based on recently discovered physical principles of so-called quantum vacuum cocoon (or quantum bubble) motion. The full name is Hyper-Relativistic Local-Dynamic Space motion. The possibility of this phenomena was predicted by Albert Einstein at the beginning of the 20th century. The theoretical background for this technology was prepared by the very first work on the subject published by quantum physicist Miguel Alcubierre in 1994 (The Warp Drive: Hyper-fast Travel Within General Relativity) and followed by more detailed works published in the recent years, beginning from 2016 to 2023, by Eric Lentz, Alexey Bob rick and Gianni Martire. Their works were supplemented by further theoretical research and development undertaken by many other independent groups of scientists. However the full technical assessment of the quantum bubble propulsion method as the only feasible one, was given by the top world authorities in the subject professors Mario J. Pinheiro and Takaaki Musha in their seminal work Physics of Field Propulsion: Outline of Quantum Field Theory and Its Applications for Space Propulsion published in 2016.

The operating principle of quantum propulsion systems is based on generating a force field around spacecraft that distorts pulsations of universal fields, which form quantum particles of surrounding matter and quantum gravitation connections between those particles, thus making them utterly transparent and ineffective. As a result, we are forming a quantum vacuum cocoon around the spacecraft that isolates the vehicle from the influence and resistance of the outside physical environment including physical fields and forces, giving it absolute freedom of speed and enormous manoeuvrability. When this vehicles moves, this quantum cocoon always remains around the vehicle disolving surrounding matter into quantum vacuum on its way. By distorting quantum properties around our spacecraft we make them unrecognizable or “invisible” for any other fields of the universe. They stop recognizing the cocoon and everything that is located inside of the cocoon as conventional matter. For all forces and matter particles that surround the spacecraft it looks like absolutely empty vacuum bubble flying in space that has no mass, no inertia, no aerodynamic resistance. We called the force field that QPS generates a Q-force and we measure it in %. For example, Q = 100% power means complete isolation from the outside environment and ability to fly at maximum speed.

Unlike some aerospace companies that are looking for ways to fight and eliminate gravity, we are approaching the issue of electromagnetic propulsion from the opposite side. We are not trying to eliminate gravity, which is probably impossible in principle. We are controlling and manipulating mass of the spacecraft, thus making it “invisible” for matter and any physical fields, including gravitation fields.

There is another issue with interstellar flights. Any conventional space vehicle that will accelerate to even a half speed of light, will be destroyed by interstellar dust particles within seconds: density of space particles at such speed is becoming enormous, and the Quantum Vacuum Bubble is the only way to protect spacecraft during its high speed interstellar transition.

Interestingly enough, there was no need to invent this concept. The quantum propulsion mechanism already exists. Many flying insects and spiders have been using this same naturally inbuild electromagnetic mechanism for hundreds of millions of years propelling and protecting themselves. We have reverse engineered this mechanism by designing and building electromechanical devices that generate quantum cocoons in the same way as designers of the first airplanes mimicked birds’ wings design and functions at the end of 19th century. From practical point of view this space propulsion method is the only one that opens a realistic possibility of interstellar travel or any high speed space travel in general.

It appears to be that QPS is the ideal tool for future space exploration, and we are proud to say that we are the first and the only organisation in the world that managed to master mass control and managed to harness it into aerospace propulsion system of new kind.

1 – This is an accelerating conventional spacecraft that as any other material objects is fighting its own mass inertia burning tons of chemical fuel. This as the result of energetic friction between quantum particles and their gravitational interconnections of the object’s own body and static energy fields of the universe. Our experimentations indicate that physical mass of any object is nothing more than this friction or quantum windage as we called it. If we manage to eliminate this friction, we eliminate mass of the object.

2 – Quantum generator of the propulsion system is on and at 100% power. The space vehicle is gliding via energy free tunnel, forming it by generating quantum vacuum bubble around itself that conveniently isolates the vehicle from the surrounding chemical environment and combination of universal energy fields. If we apply just a few extra volts to one side of the bubble, we will effortlessly accelerate the bubble and the vehicle inside of the bubble to any speed including speed of light. Thus, gentle electromagnetic pulses of carefully predefined frequency will provide these vehicles with propulsive and flight control momentums.

3 – The main core of Quantum Propulsion System: Q-Force generator (holding frame, piping and cabling not shown for simplicity).

4 – In this particular configuration of the vehicle Quantum Propulsion System forms quantum vacuum bubble around spacecraft with two safe half-spheres abound the spacecraft while it’s operating. The physical properties of matter and fields remain undisturbed inside of those half-spheres. The upper half-sphere can be used as a cockpit and avionics compartment. The lower half-sphere could be used for cargo and/or weapons/scientific instruments bay.”

Challenges and Opportunities

The UK Times: In your opinion, what are the most significant challenges and opportunities in advancing aerospace propulsion systems for interstellar travel?

Alex replied, “Let’s have a look at the opportunities first. Our ability to fly to the stars as easy as we fly from London to New York automatically alters status of our civilization; we will become an interstellar civilization. It means that eventually will be able to begin colonizing habitable or Earth-like planets that have very similar atmosphere and climatic conditions raising our status to a multiplanetary civilisation. There is no secret that our planet is already overpopulated. Some scientists state that Earth can safely sustain agricultural and oceanic reproduction of natural food for 2-3 billion people maximum. At the moment our planet population is about 8 billion! We have exceeded our possible limits many times over, but the population is still growing. No wonder that we have issues with environment pollution including pollution of the atmosphere and oceans. We also have not enough room for growing natural healthy food today. Consuming food staffed with chemical rubbish as we do now will lead human kind to slow physical decline, degradation and eventual extinction. There is very simple solution to this problem: we have to board interstellar spaceships and to move on, conquering new planets and building new worlds, thus distributing our present day growing population between multiple planets.

This is absolutely normal process that was taking place many times during our history. When their cities got overpopulated, ancient Greeks and Phoenicians began to board their ships and went to colonise various locations along the Mediterranean shores founding new cities and states, thus spreading their advanced economy and culture all over the Mediterranean region. When the new lands and continents were discovered a few hundred years ago, Europeans began boarding their ships and resettling to remote places of the planet colonizing them and eventually creating such countries as USA, Australia, countries of the South America and many others. Today is our turn to move!

Obviously, by reducing burden of overpopulation on our planet we will provide a great relief for Earth. By reducing amount of rubbish and pollution we will let our planet to breathe freely again and will save it for our future generations.

Creation of new planet states also will give us significant degree of safety. We all know that many times in the history of our planet it had orbit parameters changes and dramatic fluctuation in climatic conditions ranging from superhot to ice ages temperatures when ice covered 95% of the Earth surface and the temperature in the equatorial regions hardly exceeded 15 degrees Celsius even during the summer. If something similar happens today, our civilization will perish. We will have no place to grow our crops and will starve to death. Many times in the past Earth, as well as the other planets, was hit by massive meteorites. Their impact wiped out practically every living creature from the face of the dry land. Thus Earth biosphere had to start to recreate itself and this process was taking millions of years. That would be more spectacular way for us to perish I think.

Existence of some other planets populated with our own race gives us a chance to relocate most of population from the endangered planet to the other planets thus saving most of human lives and saving our civilization from extinction. In other words this multiplanetary form of existence provides us with many potential lifeboats in the universe that will allow us to survive and continue our prosperous development. So, gradual relocation and colonization of the other planets is not optional for us. This is the only way to survive. The habitable planets that are waiting for us is not just our destination, it is our destiny!

However, long before we master the art of interstellar flight and start colonising the universe we will find many other uses and applications for quantum propulsion systems and aerospace vehicles.

Our first step on this way is design, development and testing of the first workable and fully operational quantum propulsion system-propelled prototype. This prototype can be used for demo flights demonstrating the advantages of quantum propulsion systems to potential customers.

During the following years, this prototype can be converted into a commercially viable high-speed and highly manoeuvrable unmanned aerospace vehicle (subject to a particular customer specification). Possible applications of this machine: atmospheric drone that could be used for filming, surveying and any other visual observation, including military and law enforcement intel gathering.

A more advanced, space-going version of this vehicle could be used to launch satellites to LEO and as a scientific interplanetary robotic craft that will be capable of delivering sets of scientific instruments to the orbits and surfaces of the other planets within our solar system and bringing soil and liquid samples back to Earth for the fraction of present-day space flight costs. These interplanetary missions will take hours; instead of years or even decades that present day rocket engine propelled spacecraft spend in space in order to reach their destinations. So, this new type of robotic spacecraft could easily replace today’s out dated and hugely expensive satellites and interplanetary probes and completely eliminate need for huge and expensive launch vehicles within years, dramatically cutting down space exploration expenses and speeding up development of our civilisation.

Our longer-term program is covering a period greater than ten years when we intend to develop various types of manned space vehicles to cater for specific purposes. We envisage that our first type of manned flying machine will be a four seater space vehicle that we intend to design and build within the next five to ten years. This vehicle could be used for scientific interplanetary space exploration, space tourism, astrogeological surveys, and experimental small-scale asteroid mining operations within our solar system and as a superfast fighter-bomber.

Within 10 to 15 years, we aim to develop large, high-capacity transport spaceships that will be capable of supporting industrial-scale commercial space mining operations. This is going to be the most important and the most profitable objective in the application of the new propulsion systems. As we all are perfectly aware the terrestrial reserves, and growing consumption of the key elements needed for modern industry will be exhausted on our planet within the next fifty to sixty years. There is only one way to support Earth industries and sustain further development of our civilisation — it is to start bringing metals and minerals from the other planets and asteroids.

However, due to the high cost and extremely limited cargo capacity of present-day chemical fuel rocket engine-powered spacecraft, terrestrial ore extraction remains the only means of raw mineral acquisition. Today, researchers have reached the conclusion that space mining by means of contemporary spacecraft is not commercially viable and not feasible. The only solution to this problem is our quantum cargo spaceships that would be capable of bringing heavy mining machinery and equipment to the surface of other celestial bodies and then delivering unrestricted amounts of extracted ore back to Earth. This is a multitrillion business opportunity, and our organisation is planning to be the first player on this market leading the way for the other enterprises that will be using our quantum-powered vehicles as their main space transportation tool. At the same phase of QPS vehicles development we will be able to build large passenger transport airship that will be capable of reaching any destination on Earth within minutes and will eventually completely replace conventional jet liners.

Quantum propulsion systems also have significant military applications. These systems will allow us to build superfast (speed of light) and super manoeuvrable (immunity to G-force) fighter-bombers with great lifting capacity that will be able to clandestinely deliver significant bomb load to any point on our planet in a matter of seconds. These machines (especially if under AI control) will be able to outmanoeuvre and singlehandedly destroy dozens of conventional jet fighter planes in a matter of seconds and even before they realise that they are engaged in aerial dogfighting. They also could be used as highly efficient ballistic and cruise missiles interceptors that will be capable of destroying targets within a few seconds after their detection with 100% probability.

The same type of vehicles can be used for the interception and destruction of dangerous small-size asteroids approaching Earth within hours after their detection. They can be destroyed by powerful hydrogen explosive devices delivered by quantum system-propelled kamikaze-type unmanned space vehicles. In fact, these kinds of vehicles could form the main bulk of the Earth ani-asteroid defence force much needed for our survival.

However, as I mentioned before, our ultimate aim is to create large spaceships capable of interstellar travel by taking advantage of wormholes, i.e. breaking the space-time barrier. They will open for us the possibility of mass migration of humans to habitable planets and creation of new politically independent planet-states, new planetary and interplanetary markets and new business opportunities.

To date we have found the key solution for quantum bubble aerospace travel but we have not build our first space-going vehicles yet, and here lies the main challenge. The point is: we are designing absolutely new type of flying machines. We have no blueprints any textbooks providing us with the detailed design and we would have to write them eventually. In fact, this is the same kind of challenge that inventors of the first airplanes were facing at the beginning of the 20es century. They knew that they managed to find solution for the powered flight, but they had no idea how to shape this solution into proper fully-fledged airplanes. It took them many years, many broken planes and many broken bones of the pilots to find their final perfect airplane design and to build the theory of the air flight called today aerodynamics.

It will take us many years to design and build our first commercially viable aerospace vehicles. The first step on this way is designing efficient and safe flight control system and “to teach” our vehicles to fly. The speed and manoeuvrability of these machines is going to be absolutely enormous, and human brain would not be able to control these machines to the full extend at high speeds. So, we would have to devise an elaborate combination of manual and AI controls that would allow this vehicle to operate. Even purely manual control at slow speeds would represent a challenge on its own due to the fact that the QPS vehicle’s controls are going to be more complicated than controls of our conventional planes and helicopters.

Another challenge is communication with the new type of vehicles. The problem is: when their Q = 100% the quantum bubble doesn’t allow any electromagnetic signals to pass though. While using these vehicles in our solar system we probably would be able to “shoot” though bubble with a powerful laser beam thus delivering encoded signals or use conventional radio signals when the engine is off, but we won’t be able to do it during interstellar flights. For instance, a radio signal will “fly” to our nearest habitable planet Proxima Centauri-B for 4.5 years. This planet is located in our nearest Alpha Centauri star system. The replay will “fly” back to Earth for 4.5 years as well. So, you would need to wait for 9 years to get a reply to your message that you will send to the spaceship crew landed on that planet, which is hardly practical. The only solution for this problem is immediate quantum communication based on quantum entanglement effect, which has to be developed yet.

Even design of ejection seats for astronauts represents a challenge. They would have to be equally suitable for Earth, Mars, and Titan atmospheric conditions. So, we will have a lot of work to do, but I am absolutely confident that we will achieve what we are aiming for. The history teaches us that nothing can stop well organized, professional and determined team. That is who we are.”

Igniting the Cosmic Odyssey

The UK Times: What inspired you to commence your work toward the goal of making humanity an interstellar spacefaring civilization?

Alex replied, “My childhood dreams to fly faster and higher than anyone else and my survival instinct. Once when I was standing on the high mountain and was looking towards horizon I realised that our planet is just a tiny ball covered with thin film of the 20 kilometres deep atmosphere that is flying in space with tremendous speed. You cannot imagine anything more fragile and vulnerable than that. I think it’s time for us to take full responsibility for our survival, our prosperity and our future. We cannot just rely on our hope for the best, we have to start building our future with our own hands. No one will do it us! Going interstellar is or next barrier that we would have to overcame, our next challenge that we have to recognize and accept in order to become true owners of our fate. Famous scientist who pioneered astronautics Konstantin Tsiolkovsky once said: ‘Earth is the cradle of humanity but one cannot live in the cradle forever’. He was right. It’s time to get out of our cradle and start to learn walking.”

Synergizing Ambition and Expertise

The UK Times: How do you think your background and expertise align with our mission to unite ambition, knowledge, and resources for space exploration?

Alex replied, “Interestingly enough I have unique combination of knowledge, skills and experience that makes me perfectly fit to be head of an organization that will lead the aerospace industry and our civilization into a new era. It’s not happened by design. It happened by accident if we do believe in accidents at all and if there is such thing as an accident. I have degree in electronics engineering specializing in high-frequency radio and radar military equipment. In fact, any high-frequency electromagnetic pulsation is a quant forming process, which made me to realise during my student years that the material world around us formed by various universal fields’ pulsations. It’s not difficult to deduct that ability to control those pulsations will allow us to control matter itself: to create, to control its properties and to destroy it if needed.

Many years working in the IT sector as a programmer, system analyst, business analyst and project manager thought me to organize and run teams and organisations, to commence and successfully accomplish complex projects and assignments. Following years when I began to run my own ventures as a business consultant thought me to resolve even more complex problems. My past experience as an army commanding officer thought me to fight and win against all odds. So, it looks like that I was designed and eventually shaped into ultimate machine that was destined to push towards our greatest ever dream: to fly to the stars!”

The Genesis of Quantum Propulsion Technologies

The UK Times: Why did you start “Quantum Propulsion Technologies”?

Alex replied, “I have started it out of desperation. At certain point of my life I realised that no one in the world is seriously thinking about the fact that chemical fuel propulsion has its significant limitations and our astronauts will never be able to fly even to the ages of our solar system, not to mention the distant stars or galaxies. From the 60-ties science fiction films and books promised us that soon we will be conquering new worlds and will be walking on the surfaces of the planets orbiting distant stars. When I was a little boy I had a few relatives who were working for the aerospace industry and was keeping asking them: “Would it be really possible to fly to the stars soon and when we are going to fly there?”. Their reply was always disappointing. They were laughing and saying: “Current state of space technology doesn’t allow us to even think about it!”. Then I started to ask myself a question: “If current state of aerospace technology doesn’t allow us to fly too far, why to invest into it our resources and time?”. I am not a little boy any longer but I am still asking myself this question. Furthermore I keep asking these question aerospace industry professionals, I keep asking this question engineers and scientists, managers and investors. I keep asking this question everyone all my life: Why aerospace industry and organisations that fund it investing hundreds of billions every year into dead end technology building huge and unbelievably expensive flying fuel barrels that leads us to nowhere? But no one could give me the answer. When I started my work on this project many years ago I begun to contact scientists and engineers who might be interested in developing new propulsion systems but all those people who had well paid and secure jobs for life were not really interested in starting a revolution. They were shying away from me. I was in hope that one day I will find at least one organization that is working on quantum propulsion technology, but I have not found such organisation to this day. The conclusion was very simple: who else if not me!

Most of the people around me were saying: it’s going to be complicated, it’s going to be difficult, no one has done it before. That is exactly why I decided to start it. I decided to walk the path that no one was walking before, and I invite anyone who will dare to walk this path with me to join our venture.

Some journalists say that this is “science fiction staff”. I always say to them that steam engine, airplane, submarine and even mobile phone were science fiction as well. Now, they are a reality. So, let’s unite and make interstellar flights a reality as well! If we invest just a small fraction of resources that we are wasting today by investing into outdated chemical fuel engines into quantum propulsion technologies development we will be able to reach speed of light and brake it in the next decade or even earlier.”

A Stellar from My Past Contributions

The UK Times: Can you provide an example of a project or achievement from your past experience that demonstrates your ability to contribute to our mission of space exploration?

Alex replied, “I am certain that the best and the brightest example of my groundbreaking achievement is the fact that me and my team have managed to find the key solution for the problem that captivated human mind for thousands of years. Since ancient times, many generation were raising their eyes towards the night sky, looked at the stars with fascination and were wondering if they will ever be able to fly there. Today I am proud to say that we certainly will fly there. Personally I spent more than 40 years working on this project on and off and now I know that I will be working on this project until my last breath with many other talented and determined people that will lead out civilization to the new frontier.”

Harmony in Diversity

The UK Times: Collaboration is essential in achieving your mission. How do you work effectively in cross-functional teams to achieve ambitious goals?

Alex replied, “Yes indeed, efficient collaboration is one of the most important factors defining success or failure of any project, especially of such complex and important project as our enterprise. The key of effective collaboration is efficient project management multiplied by efficient and well-coordinated communication between teams. We are not trying to invent a wheel here. We are learning from our successful predecessors. Our row model of highly efficient project management is ‘Apollo’ Moon flight project. However our scale of operation is still very modest and as we grow we will face the challenge of collaboration with various aerospace organisations. There are a lot of units and components that we don’t have to invent and manufacture: landing gear, life support systems, space suits, communication and basic navigational equipment and many other things will be produced for us by our suppliers, and efficient technical coordination between all the stakeholders is the most important factor of our further progress.”

Navigating the Ethical Frontier

The UK Times: Can you share your thoughts on the ethical and societal implications of becoming an interstellar spacefaring civilization, and how these considerations should influence our work and decision-making?

Alex replied, “Adoption of QPS as the main space-ferrying tool will have very serious political implications for our civilization.

By beginning industrial scale space mining and bringing hundreds of tone of precious and other metals to Earth we will eventually pull metal prices down making everything what is made out of metal significantly cheaper. It’s going to be everything: cars, domestic equipment, tools and machinery that we use to produce our clothes and food. It will significantly improve our incomes and life style. We will have an opportunity to finally overcome hunger and poverty on our planet.

Large transport spaceships equipped with QPS will make relocation of hundreds of millions of people to the other habitable planets a reality. Please note, we are talking not just about some kind of small settlements and scientific research stations that we are planning to establish on the surface of such inhospitable celestial bodies as Moon and Mars. We are talking about mass relocation of families and probably entire cities to the surface of the planets that have the same climate as with have on Earth, where the colonists will be able to build new and economically independent worlds from scratch. They will be farming and building new villages and cities, they will be building industrial and manufacturing facilities and infrastructure, and probably in a few decades after commencing colonization process they will be able to fully sustain themselves and to start to live without any support from Earth. One doesn’t have to be proficient in historical or political science to realise that these new worlds will immediately vote and arrange themselves into a new and politically independent planet-states that most probably are going to be much more advanced and much more prosperous than our native planet Earth.

However in order to make those ambitious plans a reality we have to start planning those operations in advance. Migration of millions of people to absolutely different celestial body and building their life in there from scratch is a tremendous task. First we will have to find suitable planets. We would have to conduct years of careful research and investigation of the environment on each new planet that we will discover. It includes climatic and tectonic conditions, presence of required amounts of clean fresh water and fertile lands suitable for farming, and our compatibility with the local biological environment, if any. If we make decision to proceed with any particular planet, we would need to organize a pilot settlement on the planet where the extended group of scientist will continue the environment studies in parallel with farming and construction experimental pilot programs. We also would need to think and to discuss ways and methods of the economic and political development and organization of our new growing societies on those remote planets. And so on and so forth. In other words, we are facing tremendous task that no one undertook before. But it would be too late to start it when we reach those planets. In order to succeed then, we have to start to think about it now.

In order to work out the sequence of organizational steps towards exploration and development of new planets we would need to organise and to run a large and diverse group of specialists and just enthusiasts who will commence careful studying of all aspects of the future colonization and to commence preliminary planning now. For this purpose we have initiated a unique movement called the New Earth project. This undertaking will unite everyone who is interested in the subject and it will act as a global think-tank that will pave our way towards future colonization of newly discovered planets. I am convinced that it will help us to see ourselves in absolutely different light. The fact that we started to plan and to make practical preparations for colonization of new planets makes significant paradigm shift in our conciseness. We begin to think about ourselves, to feel ourselves and to behave as multiplanetary species.

I think it will also help us to deeper understand our today’s problems and challenges that we face as a developing civilization. It will help us to deeply analyse our current situation and to understand the reasons for mistakes that we have made so far and to uncover those stumbling points that are not obvious for us today, but that can lead to even more serious problems tomorrow. We are welcome everyone, from all corners of the Globe to be part of our New Earth movement. I am absolutely certain that by striving for the New Earth we can significantly improve conditions on our old native Earth.”

Championing Diversity in Our Mission

The UK Times: What role do you see yourself playing in promoting diversity and inclusion within our organization, considering the broad scope of our mission?

Alex replied, “Our development team was international from the outset and will remain international forever. Our principle is very simple: we are selecting best of the best, the most talented, the most resourceful, the most forward thinking and the most determined specialists from all over the world in order to build the best and the most efficient aerospace corporation that ever existed on this planet. That is the only way to achieve great success and we will achieve it!”

The Impending Obsolescence

We lastly asked, “Would you like to say anything else to our viewers?”

Alex replied, “Whether we want it or not, but today is time to embrace a new reality. We are lucky to be born and to witness probably the most challenging and the most exciting times in the history of human kind. It would be no exaggeration to say that the next following years will shape and define our future and will shape the course of the further history of our civilization. It is not going to happen by itself. We, people of the Earth are the only driving force of this process and the only guarantors that will ensure that this process will lead us into right direction.

Chemical fuel rocket and jet propulsion engines have reached their physical capacity limit. Contemporary flying machines are incredibly slow and expensive. Their snail speed simply doesn’t match the requirements of present-day business needs and the requirements of deep space commercial exploration.

The chemical fuel rocket jet engine played its historical role well, but it has no prospects of improving. Flying machines powered by jet engines, even if they are boosted by inbuild nuclear fusion reactors, will not be unable to fly faster than 50 km/sec. Their lifting capacity will remain notoriously limited with no prospects of improvement as well.

The realistic range of operations of manned rocket rocket-propelled spacecraft is Moon and Mars. They are not capable of taking manned space expeditions any further due to the limits of human body endurance that is not capable of sustaining space flights weightlessness and space radiation exposure longer than two years.

The time for change has come, and quantum propulsion systems represent the perfect alternative to obsolete chemical reaction mass engines. It’s time to fly faster and further than we do now, and this not a questions of our choice. To survive and to prosper we have to learn to fly faster and further, and I am glad to say that our organization is leading the way. We consider ourselves to be the luckiest people despite all the challenges and hard work that we are involved into today and will be involved for many years to come.

We invite all the interested parties for cooperation! We invite scientists and engineer, investors and journalists, pilots and astronauts! Together we will build our fascinating future! Per aspera, and astra!”

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