Innovative Neurorehabilitation: Understanding recoveriX Technology with Dr. Christoph Guger

Admin, The UK Times
26 Jun 2024 • 12:36 pm
Innovative Neurorehabilitation: Understanding recoveriX Technology with Dr. Christoph Guger

recoveriX integrates brain-computer interface (BCI), functional electrical stimulation (FES), and a virtual avatar to aid stroke rehabilitation. Unlike traditional methods that emphasize physical exercises, recoveriX detects brain signals for intended movements and stimulates corresponding muscles, directly linking brain activity with muscle action. This approach enhances neuroplasticity and patient engagement, allowing significant motor function improvements through repeated training.

Understanding recoveriX

We started the interview by asking, “Can you explain how recoveriX technology works and how it differs from traditional stroke rehabilitation methods?”

Christoph Guger replied, “recoveriX combines brain-computer interface (BCI), functional electrical stimulation (FES), and virtual avatar for stroke rehabilitation. It detects brain signals for intended movements, stimulates corresponding muscles. Unlike traditional methods, which focus on physical exercises, recoveriX directly links brain activity with muscle action, enhancing neuroplasticity and patient engagement. Patients are performing 240 movement imaginations in one therapy session that lasts about 1 hour and they are coming back for 25 therapies. This sums up to 6000 movement imaginations and is as often as a child needs to learn walking. This produces brain plasticity and patients can move their limbs better and have less spasticity. Beside that we see many positive side effects, like less pain, less tremor, better concentration of better temperature control.”

Unique Features of g.tec’s Brain

The UK Times: What distinguishes g.tec’s brain-computer interface (BCI) technology from other BCIs available on the market?

Christoph Guger replied, “g.tec’s BCIs focus on capturing high-resolution brainwaves in real-time, allowing for precise control and analysis. They support various BCI methods and are especially known for their neurorehabilitation system, recoveriX, which helps patients regain motor function through BCI training. recoveriX provides not only the neurotechnology for doing the neurorehabilitation, but as well the standard operating instructions. If somebody follows them, we know how much better a patient will get. g.tec already showed in clinical studies that we can improve upper and lower extremity functions in patients with different neurological deficits. Interestingly, these deficits can be in the brain, but as well in the spinal cord.”

Harnessing Neuroplasticity

The UK Times: How does recoveriX help the brain rewire itself, and what role does neuroplasticity play in this process?

Christoph Guger replied, “recoveriX exploits the brain’s remarkable ability to rewire itself, known as neuroplasticity.  Imagine willing your arm to move. This BCI system detects brain activity during this imagery and provides real-time feedback. You see a virtual arm mirroring your intent, while gentle electrical stimulation creates a physical sense of movement. This combined feedback strengthens the brain-muscle connection. With repeated training, neuroplasticity takes hold. Damaged pathways are bolstered and new connections form. Gradually, you regain control, relearning lost motor skills and improving your overall function. RecoveriX allows us to monitor the brain plasticity with EEG technology and we can show that damaged areas become more active again. An important part of recoveriX is the assessment before and after the recoveriX therapy as well to show objectively the improvements.”

Transformative Success Stories

The UK Times: Can you share some success stories or case studies where recoveriX has significantly improved a patient’s recovery?

  1. Christoph Guger replied, “ Brandstätter suffered a stroke in 2015, leaving her unable to move her right side. In 2016, she began recoveriX therapy in Schiedlberg, Upper Austria. Unable to continue her work as a hairdresser at the time, she underwent 31 sessions of RecoveriX. Her motor functions improved so significantly that she was able to return to her job as a hairdresser. Check out the video to learn about her success.

  1. Alfred Mühlbacher experienced a stroke 50 months before beginning his recoveriX therapy at the recoveriX Gym in Schiedlberg. The stroke left him paralyzed on the left side of his body. After undergoing recoveriX therapy, Alfred saw remarkable improvements in his everyday life. Watch this interview to learn more about his journey and the significant progress he made in regaining his mobility and independence.

  1. After 17 years of living with Multiple Sclerosis and 22 hours of recoveriX training, Mr. Königsberger is able to return to activities he enjoys. He can now engage in artistic activities like drawing and pottery, go for walks with his grandchildren, and navigate stairs with ease. Remarkably, these improvements were achieved without additional therapies or medications.

  1. Success story from Nigeria: Before starting recoveriX therapy, Mr. Oseloka’s gait was so unsteady that he needed assistance from two people just to walk. This severe limitation significantly impacted his independence and quality of life. However, after completing just six recoveriX sessions, Mr. Oseloka experienced remarkable improvement and was able to walk independently without any assistance. This transformation not only restored his mobility but also greatly enhanced his confidence and daily living activities.

  1. After all the public neurorehabilitation the patient came to the recoveriX treatment and performed 50 therapy sessions. At the end his left hand movement was almost normal and he was using his hand again for gestures.”

Highlights & 2025 Expectations

The UK Times: What were the key highlights and achievements of last year’s BCI & Neurotechnology Spring School, and what can participants expect from the 2025 edition?

Christoph Guger replied, “The Spring School’s attendance surged from 5,309 participants in 2022 to 15,787 in 2023 and 82,881 in 2024. The number of countries represented grew from 107 in 2022 to 118 in 2024. We had more than 80 key-note speakers from some of the most important Universities and research centers of the world. It included lectures from Stanford, Harvard, University College London, Oxford University, Mayo Clinic, Meta and many more. This is a unique opportunity for people to get directly into the BCI world and the see the numerous possible applications. By the way, g.tec devices are used for 54 different medical applications in the neurotechnology field.”

Overcoming Integration Challenges

The UK Times: What are the key challenges you face in integrating recoveriX into mainstream clinical practice?

Christoph Guger replied, “recoveriX is already medically certified and used in many countries of the world ranging from New Zealand all the way to Canada. We have a training program in place that allows people to get a certified recoveriX trainer after 3 days. g.tec has as well a franchise system in place so that therapists or business man can open quickly a recoveriX center. The key challenge is that we have to create awareness so that patients with stroke, multiple sclerosis and many other neurological diseases know about recoveriX.”

The UK Times: What are some of the most significant challenges in developing high-performance BCIs, and how does g.tec address these challenges?

Christoph Guger replied, “Developing top-notch BCIs requires overcoming hurdles. Non-invasive methods, preferred for comfort, often capture fuzzier brain signals compared to invasive ones. BCIs also need to analyze and translate brain signals into commands instantly for smooth interaction. Calibrating BCIs to individual brain patterns can be time-consuming and user-dependent. Ideally, they should be versatile, handling various control methods. g.tec tackles these challenges with high-resolution technology for clearer brainwave images, real-time analysis systems for swift response times, and user-friendly calibration to streamline the process.”

Envisioning the Future

The UK Times: How do you see the future of neurotechnology in stroke rehabilitation evolving over the next decade, and what role will recoveriX play in it?

Christoph Guger replied, “Our plan is to bring recoveriX to every country in the world. We are selling recoveriX to hospitals and rehabilitation centers directly for stationary treatment. For ambulatory treatment we are establishing recoveriX-centers around the world so that people can just drive there, get the therapy, and return home. In this case we work together with therapist, doctors or business men that are taking over a town, a state or a whole country. At the end we plan to have a recoveriX-center in 30 minutes driving distance.”

Evolving the Future

Lastly we asked, “What impact do you foresee g.tec’s technologies having on the future of medical research and clinical treatments?”

Christoph Guger replied, “g.tec started 25 years ago producing BCI technology for research. These systems are used internationally by many Universities, companies and hospitals to do neuroscience research and to produce new medical applications. Beside recoveriX, we offer as well cortiQ. CortiQ is a mapping system that allows neurosurgeons to find quickly, within minutes, the most important regions of the brain. This is essential information for the neurosurgeon, so that he/she does not remove important functions when an epilepsy or tumor surgery is done. Recently it was even shown that patients live longer if cortiQ was used in a tumor surgery, because it allows working more precisely. g.tec BCI technology is as well used for patients with disorders of consciousness to test if they have command following. This is often a game changer for these patients and families because suddenly they know if a patient understand them and this changes everything.”

Connect with Dr. Christoph Guger on LinkedIn

Visit recoveriX and G.tec to learn more about it

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